Legislation relevant to forest and fire protection in Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/1999):
- Forest management laws:
- Law on forests: This law establishes a legal framework for sustainable forest management, covering various aspects like planning, protection, silviculture, wood usage, and organizational responsibilities.
- Environmental protection:
- Law on environmental protection: This law aligns economic development with environmental protection, promoting the adoption of EU environmental standards and addressing pollution, natural resource use, and public participation.
- National Park laws:
- Law on the “Bjeshket e Nemuna” National Park: This law designates a national park in Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/1999), emphasizing the protection of its natural and cultural values, and defining zones for different types of activities within the park.
- Law on “Sharri” National Park: Similar to the previous law, this one designates and regulates another national park in Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/1999), focusing on preserving its natural and cultural heritage.
- Agricultural land regulation:
- Law for agricultural land: This law outlines regulations for the use, protection, and leasing of agricultural land, emphasizing its preservation for agricultural purposes.
- Special protected areas:
- Law on special protected areas: This law aims to safeguard historical and cultural sites of special significance, while also considering sustainable development around these areas.
- Fire protection laws:
- Law on fire protection: This law focuses on preventive measures and mechanisms for preventing and combating fires and explosions to protect people, property, and the environment.
- Law on protection from natural disasters and other disasters: This law aims to safeguard lives, property, and the environment from natural and other disasters, defining mechanisms for disaster management.
- Law on firefighting and rescue: This law establishes a firefighting and rescue mechanism, including professional firefighting units and voluntary firefighting associations, to respond to emergencies effectively.
- Climate change and disaster reduction strategies:
- Climate change strategy 2019-2028 and climate change action plan 2019-2021: These documents outline strategies and actions to address climate change, aligning with Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/1999)’s developmental priorities.
- Disaster risk reduction strategy and action plan 2016-2020: This strategy aims to reduce disaster risks, promote sustainability, and enhance the government’s disaster response capacities.
- Administrative instructions and regulations:
- Administrative instruction no. 22/2007 for the protection of forests from fire: This instruction provides technical measures for forest fire prevention, detection, and suppression.
- Regulation no. 25/2020 for the methodology of drafting the risk assessment: This regulation defines the methodology for assessing population risk from natural disasters.
- Regulation no. 17/2015 for the methodology of damage assessment from natural disasters: This regulation outlines the methodology for assessing damage caused by natural disasters.
These laws, regulations, and strategies collectively aim to manage forests, protect the environment, mitigate the impact of natural disasters, and address climate change in Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/1999) while promoting sustainable development and safeguarding cultural heritage.