Grant Signing Event for Community-based Projects in the Western Balkans


The SDC’s Landscape Fire Management in the Western Balkans (LFMWB) Programme marked a significant milestone with the official signing of grant agreements for community-based projects in Skopje, from December 2-4, 2024. This event symbolizes the Programme’s commitment to empowering local communities as key actors in fire prevention and sustainable landscape fire management (LFM) across the Western Balkans.

During the ceremony, 12 grants were awarded to organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. These grants were distributed across 10 projects with a national focus and 2 cross-border projects, all aligning with the principles of LFM.

On this signing event, held in the presence of project teams and stakeholders, the overall goal of the LFMWB Programme was presented by the Programme’s Team Leader, Cvetan Nikolovski, and the LFM approach, explained by the Head of the Regional Fire Monitoring Center, Nikola Nikolov. The event further outlined the next steps for the successful implementation and monitoring of these projects.

The implementation of the projects, set to begin in 2025, aims to enhance the fire resilience of landscapes and local communities, contributing to ecological and economic benefits. By involving communities in LFM, the LFMWB Programme fosters sustainable solutions that directly benefit the communities that depend on these landscapes.

The following community-based projects have been awarded grants under the LFMWB Programme, each contributing to fire prevention and sustainable LFM across the Western Balkans:

  1. Cross-border Fire Prevention Initiative in National Park Tara and Protected Landscape Trebević through the LFM Framework – Led by FEA – Forestry and Environmental Action.
  2. CYCLE-FIRE: Community-Youth-Centered Landscape Fire Reduction in Albania and Northern Macedonia – Led by Shoqata Kreo.
  3. EcoFire Youth Ambassadors: Integrating Fire Management, Heritage, and Sustainability at Lake Ohrid – Led by Association for Ecology Ekomenlog Ohrid.
  4. Promoting Fire-Safe Farming Practices in Novaci Municipality – Led by Resource Environmental Center.
  5. Community Fire Guardians: Empowering Youth in Landscape Fire Management and Digital Monitoring – Led by Peer Educators Network.
  6. Fire Free – Reducing the Risk of Fires in Landscapes in the Municipality of Gramsh, Albania – Led by Association Together for Life.
  7. Wildfire Resilience and Landscape Management Initiative – Led by International Business College Mitrovica.
  8. FireGuard: Wildfire Resilience and Management for Serbia’s Protected Areas – Led by Biological Society “Dr Sava Petrović”.
  9. YOUTH ON FIRE: Fostering and Improving the Regional Environmental System through Local Fire Management – Led by Association “C.E.Z.A.R.” Srbac.
  10. Empowering Citizens in Transparent, Accountable, and Sustainable Forest Fire Management – Led by NU Organization KOD.
  11. FireSafe Jezero: Comprehensive Landscape Fire Prevention and Education Initiative – Led by the Municipality of Jezero.
  12. Strengthening Capacities of Local Stakeholders for Improved Resilience in Wildfire Management – Led by Association Local Action Group (LAG) Plackovica.
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