Info Days in the Western Balkans for Community-based Competitive Fund


The LFMWB Regional Executive Agency (REA) – Farmahem organized a series of Info Days in the Western Balkans to inform the relevant stakeholders for the opportunity to apply for project on a community level.

The Info Days for the Competitive Fund for Landscape Fire Management (LFM) Community-based Projects showed significant interest among stakeholders in the region to which over 170 stakeholders participanted including representatives from municipalities, NGOs, educational institutions, public institutions, and agencies.

During the Info Days, Farmahem (REA) outlined the overall goals and accomplishments of the LFMWB Programme and introduced the concept of the LFM Community-based Competitive Fund, along with detailed instructions for the online application process. Additionally, the RFMC presented the LFM approach, while the Info Days were hosted by the LFMWB’s Country Project Staff.

The LFMWB Programme is dedicated to fostering community-based approaches to mitigate the impact of landscape fires and enhance landscape resilience. In line with this commitment, the LFMWB Programme have successfully launched a Call for Proposals for the Competitive Fund for Landscape Fire Management Community-based Projects. The deadline for application submission is August 10, 2024.

We encourage interested applicants to share their ideas and apply through the Community-based Competitive Fund Platform. Let’s join efforts in creating fire-resilient landscapes while involving the communities who depend on these landscapes.

The Community-based Competitive Fund Public Call was developed in the frame of the Landscape Fire Management in the Western Balkans (LFMWB) Programme, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and coordinated by Farmahem.

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